Sunday, April 25, 2010
Beverly Hillbillies Song.MOV
This is Natalie being cute talking like a baby cause she knows I love it!
Stand Up Comedy Act
I had to rename the file on Youtube and that caused it to be erased here as well it should work now. I am so sorry for the misunderstanding.
Comedy Act
I am so sorry again! How was I to know we would have a Tornado Warning last night? Well all is well. I have had numerous camera issues, so I used an older camera and it worked just fine. I am loading the video right now on youtube and as soon as it is done there I will be posting it here. Just please don't expect much.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A funny thing happened
This morning we were of course running late for our trip.It was with the people that run our local Gospel Radio Station (who we don't really know. The Pastor's wife was greeting Natalie and me and trying to make sure she had our names right when she asked to make sure she had Natalie's name right I assured her she did, then she turned to Natalie and said "and your daddy's name is Steve?" Natalie being half asleep and thinking she said "and did your daddy speed?" Replied very seriously "maybe" so of course I wanted to die! Like Natalie didn't even know for sure if I was her dad or if it was some other man. Her mother would whoop us both if she even thought we had dishonored her like that.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am so sorry
I am so sorry but despite my batteries showing a full charge just a few seconds into the routine it quit on me, I am going to go ahead and post the few seconds we did get.I think the problem is I had two other attempts where I got tongue tied and wasn't happy with the way they went and ended up wasting the batteries on them I guess. Natalie and I are going to the Creation Museum and are leaving at 5 in the morning, but as soon as we get home we will redo this and have it for you. At least you get to see me (lol)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Christian Comedy Queen
O.K. in case you didn't know there are Christian comedians and Chonda Pierce is probably the most famous lady comedian of them all! She is truly a blessing and has a Southern flair you will relate to. In her full shows she always works her sho so that she can give an altar call. I consider her a comic genius.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
My daughter goes berserk
This is a video of my honor student daughter going completely berserk. I can't believe I have chosen this to introduce ourselves to you. This as you can see was on Halloween and Natalie had eaten chocolate! Usually Natalie is very composed like her mother, but give her a little chocolate and she starts acting like her Daddy!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Please be kind
Now Remember I am new at this, but it's not my first time, In 2002 three weeks after I separated from my wife I performed at Comedy off Broadway in Lexington, Kentucky during their amateur night. I never will forget it Etta Mae was the main act and she is hilarious! There were 5 of us that night and if it had been a contest I would've come in 2ND which was o.k. with me cause the guy who would've won was awesome. I was like the best of the geeks. So with just one performance several years ago don't expect much, but still it should be fun. I am considering playing around with some quirky characters. Let me know what you think about that.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
O.K. O.K.
I feel bad starting a comedy blog and not having anything on it for so long so here's a joke to tide you over.It's not that it's so funny it's just so close to home for me. Here goes....
Do you know why Divorce is so00OOooo Expensive?
Cause it's worth it! badumbum
Do you know why Divorce is so00OOooo Expensive?
Cause it's worth it! badumbum
Under Construction!
This blog will have video of me doing a stand up routine it will probably be weekend after this before I have video on it. (I need Natalie to hold the camera) I know I seem serious but trust me I can be funny. And as always thanks for clicking in!
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